Me and sister Tait are tight, like unto a dish. She will do great things in Oklahoma! And one day we will see each other again in BRAZIL!
Our last PDAY! Those lovelies are serving in Scottsdale Arizona until they get their visas!
selfie sunday... sorry! I'm just happy to be here!
I love you all so much and I am so thankful for all the letters/emails/and support I have received. It means the world to me, you will never know! I will get my new address up on here stat!
Eu sei que Deus nos ama muito. Eu sei que temos propósito aqui na terra e que a obra e gloria de Deus e nosso felizidade! Eu sei que Jesus Cristo vive e que ele murreó por nos. Esta igreja e a igreja dele.
Sister Burch
I can't see the pictures.. I hope I'm the only one having this problem! Have a great week, chica.