Friday, January 3, 2014

I finally made it to Brazil!... Brasil?

Tudo bem!
Não posso acreditar que eu realmente estou em Brasil!
I travelled for over 24 hours Monday and got here late Tuesday.  Us Americanos promptly went to meet President Del Guerso, who does not speak any English.  Needless to say, it was a quick interview.  It has been pretty hit or miss when it comes to being able to communicate with the people here.  They speak so FAST. 
My companion is Sister Marcon.  She is from Northern Brasil and does not speak a lick of English.  With the exception of the phrases "fetch!" and "oh my heck!"  I am currently living in the city of Osasco.  It´s one train and two bus rides outside of São Paulo.  We live in a one bedroom apartment with 2 other sisters.  Luckily one of them is from Peru and translates things into Spanish when I don´t understand. 
Although my Portuguese struggles, I have almost mastered 3 important things:
1)The Brazilian cheek kiss
2)The Brazilian finger snap thing
3)How to use Brazilian toilets...  hopefully I figure that one out completely soon

I love Brazil!  The people are so kind and patient with me when I have no idea what they are saying.  I have been doing a lot of smiling and nodding lately.  It is usually pretty effective, with the exception of a few instances. 
One day we were talking to a man at a newspaper stand and he told me I was a "filha da luz."  Which literally translates to "daughter of light."  My companion later told me that it means "child of Lucifer," so in retrospect, my response of "obrigada!" was less than appropriate. 
Another day we were sitting on a bench outside a market and 3 different people walked up to us and asked for our message.  While we were just SITTING ON A BENCH!  That does not happen in the States. 
Well I don´t have much more time but I will try to send some fotos.  Feliz Natal!  Eu amo voces! 
Sister Boorsh
P.S. my name is impossible for them to say

P.P.S.  here is my address:

Rua Euzébio de Souza, 121
Jardim Londrina
05638-100 São Paulo/SP
Eu amo as cartas!

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